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Mural Arts Philadelphia


Philadelphia, PA USA

Asian Arts Initiative
The Mayors’ Office of Youth Engagement
Love Park
Philly Focus 2020
Arts and Crafts Holdings

Mural Arts Philadelphia

During the election season months of October and November in 2020, Mural Arts Philadelphia partnered with several organizations to present Voting Station for the Disenfranchised and its auxiliary materials to the city. As part of a public art exhibition titled To The Polls, held in Philly’s iconic Love Park, a kiosk for Voting Station for the Disenfranchised was erected which showcased all the didactic and artist-made materials from the project. Sifuentes’ project was paired with work from Philly high schoolers that explored a history of voting rights, particularly for disenfranchised populations, and contemporary voting rights activists working today. They made portraits of these activists in their classes, and paired them with a guide for getting registered to vote in the city.

Posters from Sifuentes’ project, alongside students’ posters, were also designed into voting banners at low turnout voting sites throughout the election season, to encourage and identify sites where people could cast their ballots.

About collaborator Alaina Ewins with Mural Arts Philadelphia:
Alaina Ewins is a Project Manager for Mural Arts Philadelphia. A MAP alumni, Alaina attended after school Art Education classes in her youth, contributing to the completion of many murals and projects around the city. Through her current work, she has aimed to curate projects that will inspire, empower and motivate youth, while also encouraging self-expression and discovery.

About collaborator Sam Rodriguez with Mural Arts Philadelphia:
Sam Rodriguez is a muralist and a multi-disciplinary teaching artist with the belief that art creates social change. Based out of Philadelphia, PA. Sam has been teaching art for more than 11 years in the Mural Arts program. Sam merges art and entrepreneurship to teach his students essential skills needed to create lasting social impact in today’s creative economy. In his artistic practice, Sam organizes collaborative mural painting projects that bring together businesses, artists, and community members. He uses his work to highlight a shared mission to make the world a better place.

© Aram Han Sifuentes
Site design by Odette Stout

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